Google Interview Warmup and tips to practice for an interview

Google Warmup 5 tips interview preparation

I was recently interviewed by Andrée-Marie Dussault from”PME Magazine”, discussing 5 tips to prepare for an interview. With regards to Interview Warmup, the new platform created by Google based on AI to practice interview questions, here is what I think : why not, not bad to practice more, but the relevance is limited. Because a machine does not replace the subtlety of non-verbal language, contextual information and job related questions. Because at the end of the day, a job seeker is human, a recruiter is human, a company is made of humans…

Anne-Laure Egger-Dormond

Certified coach

Anne-Laure Egger-Dormond is a Certified Professional Coach from the International Coaching Federation (PCC ICF), specialised in Leadership Coaching, Executive Coaching and Career Coaching. Anne-Laure is passionate about leveraging individual, team and organisational potential.

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