How to know when it is time to leave your job and the signs to take seriously

Savoir quand il est temps de quitter son job

Thank you!  I was honored to be interviewed by Julie Eigenmann on career change and “How to know it is time to leave your job?”

Signs to take seriously

Signs to take seriously. At first, persistent demotivation leading to a reluctance to work, chronic fatigue, procrastination, and a lack of efficiency. These symptoms gradually invade everyday life. One can feel it is neither good for self, nor for one’s employer. It goes both ways.

Analyse the causes of dissatisfaction

It is essential to analyse the causes of dissatisfaction. Because ” the risk when it comes to demotivation at work, is to throw the baby out with the bath water, because we think it is the only solution. Before making any decision, it is vital to look closely at the exact causes of any demotivation.” And, of course watch out for burn out if your demotivation becomes permanent and difficult to live with.

Article can be found (in French) on

Anne-Laure Egger-Dormond

Certified coach

Anne-Laure Egger-Dormond is a Certified Professional Coach from the International Coaching Federation (PCC ICF), specialised in Leadership Coaching, Executive Coaching and Career Coaching. Anne-Laure is passionate about leveraging individual, team and organisational potential.

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