How to have authority without being bossy

Avoir de l'autorité sans être autoritaire leadership manager carrière

An article where I was asked what I thought of the subtle difference between having authority without being bossy…

“Sometimes, it can be difficult to find the right balance, according to Anne-Laure Egger-Dormond, Professional Certified Coach, specialized in career and leadership coaching, in Rolle (VD). You need to lead your team without being too directive and at the same time, avoid a “laissez-faire” way. It is often even more difficult for women, because their authority tends to be less accepted.”

Article in “Le Temps”
> Read the article (in French)


Anne-Laure Egger-Dormond

Certified coach

Anne-Laure Egger-Dormond is a Certified Professional Coach from the International Coaching Federation (PCC ICF), specialised in Leadership Coaching, Executive Coaching and Career Coaching. Anne-Laure is passionate about leveraging individual, team and organisational potential.

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